What are core stability exercises?
The core muscles include the abdominal, spinal, pelvic floor and hip muscles which work together to provide stability in stationary and moving positions. They act as a corset around the trunk and are important as all other movements are generated from here. Core stability exercises are designed to improve the strength and efficiency of these muscles.

What are the benefits of core stability exercises?
The physiotherapists at Physio.co.uk can include core stability exercise as part of your treatment which may promote the following benefits:
- Reduced pain
- Improved posture
- Greater control of movements
- Promotes normal movement
- Improved the efficiency of the muscles
- Reduced strain on the lower back
- Reduced muscle imbalance
- Increased stability of the spine and pelvis
- Increased muscle strength and flexibility
- Improved balance and coordination
- Reduced muscle spasm

Who will benefit from?
Core stability exercises can benefit many people. The specialist physiotherapists at Physio.co.uk can incorporate core stability exercises into your treatment programme depending on your individual needs. The physiotherapists will also teach you how to do the exercises at home to maintain the benefits. The following problems are commonly treated with core stability exercises:
- Back or pelvic pain
- Chronic pain
- Post lower limb and abdominal surgery
- Post and pre-natal
- Poor posture and muscle imbalances
- Spinal problems
- Preparation for an event or as part of your training
- As part of an injury rehabilitation programme
- Injury prevention
- Neurological conditions e.g. stroke

After developing your core muscles, the physiotherapists at Physio.co.uk will incorporate other functional exercises to your programme to maintain your overall fitness. If you think you may benefit from core stability exercise as part of a treatment programme then please call Physio.co.uk on 0330 088 7800 to book a full assessment today. Alternatively, book an appointment online today using our online booking system.